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Hi there,
I'm Paula Liub

Paula is a mindfulness coach who helps neurodivergent women to live a more balanced life and have more energy by applying mindfulness and science-based practices.


She is a founder of a coaching program that teaches women how to prevent and overcome burnout. Paula has personally recovered from a cycle of recurring burnouts and not only has found inner peace, but also lives her life to the full without a fear of ever burning out or getting overwhelmed as a neurodivergent person.


Combining her own experience with a background in psychology and yoga, and 18 years of mindfulness practices, Paula has developed a unique system that beats and prevents burnout by using a combination of science proven and mindfulness tools.


Learn a proven process to rebuild your life and mind in a way that allows you achieve your goals without burning out, build authentic connections with yourself and others without compromising your boundaries, and live life to the full.

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